An Interview with Max Hetzel

Max Hetzel - 1944

In June 1999, I was privileged to have some Accutron questions answered by Max Hetzel himself, the inventor of the Bulova Accutron watch. I prepared a list of questions, and these were taken to Mr Hetzel by his daughter - Barbara Young-Hetzel - on one of her trips to Switzerland visiting her father. His actual answers were recorded on tape, and are presented here for you to listen to. All files are in mp3 format, which are playeable on Windows Media Player, or any of the many audio players which support mp3 format.

The Hetzel Family in 1975

To learn more about Max Hetzel, the inventor of the Bulova Accutron, and a more detailed history on the early development of the Accutron, I recommend you visit Barbara Young-Hetzel's site ACCUTRON - Max Hetzel, the Man behind the Invention.

Also, you may wish to visit the Accutron History page on this site. (Click Here)

On behalf of Accutron enthusiasts all around the world, I would like to thank Barbara and Max Hetzel for their efforts in bringing to you this very interesting interview and insight into the Bulova Watch Company, and the Accutron watch.

Pics courtesy of Barbara Young-Hetzel.
