Directions for using the World Time Feature on the
ACCUTRON Astronaut Mark I (218 series)

This watch has been designed to enable you to determine the time in the world's important cities and time zones. For this purpose, the watch is provided with:

1. A conventional 12-hour dial made up of heavy white markers.

2. An additional 24-hour scale appearing as odd numbers 1 to 23 between the conventional hour markers.

3. An outer rotatable dial (ring) located under the crystal which carries the names of important cities around the world, each of which is located in a different time zone. This outer dial can be rotated in either direction by turning the crown, located at the 2 o'clock position.

To determine the time of another city or time zone:

1. Note the time in your own time zone and convert to 24-hour time. (eg., 3 P.M. becomes 1500 hours.)

2. Now turn the crown located at the 2 o'clock position until the city located in your own time zone is in line with the point on the 24-hour scale appropriate to your present time (hour) .

3. Your city of interest will now be in line with its present hour on the 24-hour dial.

4. The minute and sweep-second reading will correspond with that of your local time.

Example :

You are in New York at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and wish to know the time in Tokyo.

Convert 3 P.M. to 24-hour time -- 1500 hours.

Now turn the crown located at the 2 o'clock position until the arrow beneath New York points to 15 on the 24-hour scale. (See Pic Below)

Tokyo will now be in line with its present hour on the 24-hour scale which is 5. (See illustration.) The hour in Tokyo is, therefore, 5 A.M.

Using this method, you can quickly determine the time in any of the other cities indicated. If your city of interest is not shown on the dial, merely refer to a city in the same time zone.

Note: Consideration should be given to time changes within a particular time zone, such as the change from Eastern Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time.

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